Art Mokarow
Covenants and Laws are not, the same thing− Biblically. Laws
have specific purposes just like The Covenants of God. What is the difference?
In The
Torah (The First Five Books) many believe there are two covenants, The Old Covenant and The New Covenant. Obviously, that is Biblically not true.
Besides The Old Covenant and The New
Covenant God made The Noachian
Covenant with Noah signed by God’s “rainbow.” That adds up to Three Covenants and most Bible readers acknowledge this is true.
The accurate Biblical solutions for
God’s Covenants differ widely. What does The
Bible state, “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession [witness], Christ Jesus. Who was
faithful to him that appointed him; as
also Moses was faithful in all his house” (Hebrews 3:1-2).
Jesus and Moses were both faithful. Christ and Moses as individuals were faithful
even though Israel as a nation was not.
Our Messiah’s house was “the
perfect house” as The Bride of Christ had to be, “For this man [human] was
counted [lived every word of God]
worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who has built the house [Wedding
Feast] has more honour [Bride worthy] than the house [Wedding Feast]” (Hebrews 3:3).
Moses was faithful as an individual and
follower of God. Although Jesus was able
to make His Bride worthy to be The Wife of Christ (Revelation 19:7-8). Moses was the one faithful not
all of Israel.
The purpose of “the house” they were building is defined as, “And Moses verily was faithful
in all his house, as a servant [slave to God],
for a testimony of those things
which were to be spoken
Old Covenant Law of Moses was not made to save them but to keep them from
sinning. The Law of Moses showed them what sin was. The Law
was weak. While Moses was up the Mount
receiving the Ten Commandments The Israelites decided to build The Golden Calf (within forty days they sinned). The Old Covenant did not keep them from sinning.
As God’s “chosen people” you either witness God’s work by your life or you do
not. The
Law only told you what “sin” was (I John 3:4). The Law
could not make you perfect. Only The New Testament “witness” could lead anyone to be perfect like God (Matthew
All Covenants
of God are to fulfill every jot and tittle of The Prophets and The Law “perfectly” (Matthew
5:17-18). That’s it.
A Covenant by God without a Law
is only for “righteous seeking people.” That is what Peter said in Acts 10:35. This is very simple. That is why Paul told Timothy a “Law”
is only made for “the unrighteous”
who sin (II Timothy 1:7-10).
Paul wrote The Old Covenant Law of
Moses was given because they were transgressors (Exodus 20 and
Galatians 3:19). The Old
Covenant Law was an attempt to keep criminals from continuing to sin.
The purpose of any Law is to keep people from sinning or transgressing a Law or it no longer needs to be in
force. The Law is forever until all is fulfilled by Christ which is for
everyone to be eventually perfect without sin.
This is “Scripturally,” indisputable.
The Law was to lead them – “To Christ” so He could be The Author of Salvation to
save everyone eventually (Hebrews
12:1-2 and Galatians 3:24).
Do you need any more Scriptural “truth?”
Each Covenant of God is
forever until they are fulfilled. Heaven
and earth will not pass until “all is
fulfilled.” That is why all Godly Covenants stay in force, forever, or until
all are fulfilled and completed.
New Covenant, as well as The
Old Covenant with The Law of Moses,
is in force during The Millennium until all Israel and Gentiles are led − “To Christ.” This can only happen by The Everlasting Covenant of God during The New Heavens and The New
Earth when God makes all (universe) things new (Revelation 21:3-7).
All previous Covenants cease (Matthew 5) except The
Everlasting (Eternal) Covenant. The Everlasting
Covenant is The Eternal Covenant and unending for
everything to be fulfilled just like the others.
How many have ever heard this Covenant preached or even studied in The Bible. Revelation 21:6-7 spells it out. God Himself claims He is The Alpha and The Omega
who makes “man” in “His image” to be Sons of God. Everyone who does not become sons of God is
thrown into The Lake of Fire (Revelation
(Request the free book, The
Lake of Fire).
“Isaiah” in Hebrew means “God Saves.” He is The Prophet who reveals “The Plan of Salvation,” “Ho [listen], every one that thirsts [dying] come
you to the waters [refreshed] and he that has no money [free]; come ye, buy and eat [God word];
yea, come, buy wine [Wedding Feast –
This is similar to when Christ was asked by His mother to make wine out of
water] and milk [breast feed] without money and price. [This is going back to the beginning with free access to The Tree of Life. Christ came to restore eternity (Matthew 18:11)]. Christ is The Tree of Life. You are
ready to prove God’s Everlasting Covenant,
“Incline your ear [listen], and come to me [God]: hear
[strict attention] and your soul [life] shall
live [eternal life]; and
I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David” (Isaiah 55:1-3).
The next verse Isaiah 55:4 start where “the
seed” of The Savior will come. That is
why Jesus through “faith” proved to
be The Messiah to come. He lived a
human, sinless life. Read Psalm 51 where
“the mercies” of David are given as
well as God’s “Holy Spirit” which is
God doing the work and not just some Law
dedicated only for criminals.
“Christ” as every “Word of God lived in
faith fulfilling all The Prophets and what The
Law foretold. Christ shares His
Father’s throne as God’s “word” The
Alpha and The Omega with His Father (Revelation
22:12-13). God continues The Potential for Salvation “eternally” with The Everlasting Covenant.
God’s Covenant is different than The
Old Covenant, The Law of Moses or
Christ’s New Covenant. God’s doctrine has no curse or penalty as a
codified law (Deuteronomy 32:2).
God’s Everlasting Covenant is
completely free with no judgments but completely free for those who thirst to
drink its healing waters. It is of free
choice life Adam and Eve.
Each Covenant, with The Law of Moses has curses and even a death penalty. It tells you “what sin is” to prove everyone’s weakness to sin. The Old
Covenant Law leads individuals – “To Christ”
to magnify The Law with
faith, justice and mercy as the weightier matters of The Law (Matthew 23).
New Covenant administered by Christ leads you to “perfection” and “Salvation.” By receiving grace
(mercy) and truth you receive a better chance of Salvation (John 1:17). Everyone
at whatever level of maturity they have will receive Salvation. “Christ” eliminates “The Curse of The Law.”
Godly Covenant has no law
because The Everlasting Covenant
makes you Holy like God in His Image (Genesis
All Covenants
lead to God’s Everlasting Covenant. God has thought of everything.