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Monday, November 29, 2010

Historical Religion By Art Mokarow

In the 16th century, a Catholic Monk wrote The Religious History of Christ from The Original Apostles to our present time.  This book has been re-written by a contemporary scholar in great detail.  The book is so precise it is almost six hundred pages.
In order for the author to hide his name, he took The Former Monks name as his.  This author plans to disclose his real name in about a year.  The title of the book is, The Restitution Of Jesus Christ by Servetus The Evangelical.  This is an analysis of the book.  For those who would like a copy, it is electronically available.  The website is Servetus The
Religious theologians began this debate from The Time of The Tower of Babel.  This argument came to be a heated dispute over who Christ was?  Is there only One God, two, or three?  The Trinity has been in dispute since The Garden of Eden.
The Jews, Muslims and some Christians believed there was only One God; JHVH, The Elohim or Almighty.  By the latter part of the first century, Christianity was divided about the nature of Christ.  Was he always God before his human birth or not?  This problem split The Christian Community.  This division in God’s Christian Church was called Christology, a theological study in The Nature of Jesus, The Christ.
By the fourth century, the split was caused by two men who, ultimately, became bishops or overseers.  One was named Arius and the other Athanasius.  Athanasius was from Alexandria, Egypt and Arius was from Carthage, Northern Africa.
This theological argument became so intense Christians even began to murder each other over their dogma.  At the time Constantine was reigning over New Rome which he moved from Rome to Constantinople, modern day Istanbul.
This strategy was vital to Rome’s survival because The Western leg was under attack by The Vandals, Ostergoths and Hurli Tribes.  In the East, the Sassanids, who were Arabs, put pressure upon the Eastern Empire, especially The Silk Road (the Trade Route from China to Egypt).  In the middle was Jerusalem, which was vital to the Roman Economy, especially from the Port at Tyre, The Waterway to The World.  This is very similar to New York City today.
Constantine, a brilliant military strategist, had to strengthen The Roman Legends, especially in regards to The Militaries Movement.
Instanbul or Constantinople was ideal since it shortened the distance between the East and the West, thus, protecting the Empire.  All that they needed was the unity of The Roman Citizens through religion.  If Constantine could have one religion, uniting both Pagans and Christians, he would have the best of all worlds.  There would be Romans willing to die for their empire.
Constantine called all the Bishops around the Mediterranean Sea in about 400 to 500 C.E. to resolve their differences, especially Christology, The Nature of Christ.  About 250 to 300 came.  Most were from the east and believed Arius that there was a time when Christ did not exist.  The city of Rome in the West followed Athansius in his belief that Jesus always existed.
Arius pre-dated the Theology of Christology saying there was a time Jesus did not exist.  Biblically, there wasn’t any proof in The Bible to substantiate that Jesus always existed.  Some scriptures were interpreted as Christ always existing before his physical birth, but no scripture makes that statement.  This was taught by Jesus and his Apostles clearly.
The Origin of two or three Gods came about in the latter half of the First Century by The Gentiles of Greek origin who believed in Polytheism or more than One God.
This was a perfect opportunity for Constantine to bring two philosophies together, Paganism and Christianity.  Mix them together and there would be One World Religion.  Easter, Christmas, Halloween, and Pagan days started to have Christian meaning.
The Restitution of Jesus Christ explores the Teaching of Jesus as a Jew in detail.  His Apostles, scripturally, substantiated there is only One God, biblically.  Read the first three chapters honestly and judicially for your conclusion.
This was the religious and civil atmosphere in Constantine’s day.  It was ideal to persuade Pagans and Christians to unite into One Religion.  Time dictated that Rome was to be untied if it was to survive.  The Council of Nicea was called by Constantine in October 325 A.D.  The Book gives a specific, in depth account of this council.